Escobedo Library Blog

Another Awesome Escobedo Middle School weblog

Nevada Reading Week 2018


Nevada Reading Week February 26th– March 2nd, 2018

Theme: Reading is a Voyage

 Daily Activities-

Mystery Reader: 9:05am- During morning announcements Monday – Friday, a mystery staff member will read a short passage over the intercom. Each CLASS will vote on who they think the mystery reader is. A ballot for each day of the week is attached to this page. Ballots need to be sent down to the library by 10:00am (ONE guess per class). All classes with the correct answers will go into a drawing to win doughnuts. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, March 6th and the doughnuts will be given out Friday, March 16th.


Trivia Question: 9:00a.m. – Students and teachers will answer a trivia question about a voyage. If ANYONE (not a class) knows what the answer is, he or she can write it down, bring it to the library before lunch that day. Please have the student write his or her answer on a piece of scratch paper with his or her name and grade. Mrs. Baca will draw one correct answer from each grade level each day. The winner will receive a free poster of their choice. Winners will be announced Tuesday, March 6th.


Drop Everything and Read (DEAR):  The entire school will drop everything and read on Monday, February 26th for the first 10 minutes of each class period if your class would like to participate.


Dress Up Days: (Make sure you adhere to CCSD dress code policies)

Monday- Voyage to the Mountains. Wear your favorite flannels, boots, camo/camp shirts, etc.

Tuesday- Voyage into space. Wear your Star Wars or space shirts.

Wednesday- Voyage to an Amusement Park. Wear a shirt or accessories that represent your favorite amusement park.

Thursday- Voyage to Another Time. Wear clothes that represent your favorite decade like the 20’s, 50’s, 60’s and 80’s.

Friday- Voyage to an Event. Wear your favorite sport or team gear.


Voluntary Activities-

Door Decorating: Classes that would like to participate will decorate their door in some way that incorporates the Nevada Reading Week theme, or reading in general. A team of judges will select one winning door per hallway. P.E., health and explorations count as part of the 200 hall. Each of the four winning classrooms will get a $25.00 Barnes and Noble giftcard to be used to purchase new books for their classroom library. Please make sure the work is student centered. In order to be eligible for judging, the doors need to be completed by Friday, February 23rd.  Winners will be announced March 6th.


Bookmark Decoration Contest: The library will have blank bookmarks available for decoration. Students may decorate the bookmark incorporating the theme “Reading is a Voyage” into the design (please, only one entry per person) and submit by Friday, March 2nd. There will be one 6th, 7th, and 8th grade winner. ALL entries will be displayed in the library and a team of teachers/administrators will select the overall winner, who will pick a free book and bookmark from the library.


Book Swap: On Wednesday, February 28th after school from 3:30-4:30pm, we will have a Book Swap. Teachers and students will bring in books they don’t want anymore and trade them for different ones. All books to be swapped must be turned in by Monday, February 26th. For each book turned in, a ticket will be given. The tickets will be used to enter the Book Swap. Each ticket will be used to get one book (5 books brought in= 5 tickets= 5 books). Late bus passes will be given if needed.


Guest Readers: Teachers, please invite significant others, friends, community or family members to come read to your class or the classes of other teachers. This will be a fun way for the students to get to know us better.


Special Event for Staff-

The Escobedo Honor Society would like to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday with our hardworking staff (Actual birthday is 3/2). On Wednesday, February 28th from 7:30-8:45am the Escobedo MS Honor Society students will be cooking a Green Eggs and Ham scramble for breakfast in the teachers’ lounge. We hope you can join us!

Lunchtime Activities- (limited to 20 students per lunch, you must sign up by commenting on this post with your name and what lunch you have. )

Monday- Book Talk about voyage books available in the library.

Tuesday- Spend time visiting the website and see what is new in space & about the Supermoon/Bluemoon on 1/31/18.

Wednesday- learn how to make your own mini book. We will have the materials to get you started.

Thursday- CLOSED School Nurses will be using the library for the entire day for testing.

Friday- Clark County Library Librarian Visit to talk about programs, eBooks and a special project we will make.

by posted under Events | 1 Comment »    
One Comment to

“Nevada Reading Week 2018”

  1. February 6th, 2018 at 7:22 pm       Emma Anderson Says:

    I would like to participate on Wednesday’s activity. I have first lunch and my name is Emma Anderson

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January 2018

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