Escobedo Library Blog

Another Awesome Escobedo Middle School weblog

Photo Gallery of Our Library

We have two collaboration stations with 55 inch monitors and HuddleSpaces

where up to 8 students can connect their devises for collaborative projects.


Students like to sit on the couch and read or collaborate.


If you need to charge your electronic devises, we have a charging tower with soft seating while you wait.


The library has a 75 inch interactive computer display that can be used to teach lessons or for presentations.


There is a large whole group area that can accommodate 64 people comfortably.



We have a colorful and inviting space that meets the needs of large or small groups, as well as individuals.


The Escobedo library has an awesome makerspace where creativity can soar.

Also, interpersonal skills can be strengthened playing one of our many games.



Comfy seating options are found throughout the library.


Teachers can display student work in the library.


The circulation desk is where students checkout books and seek help from the certified librarian and student aides.


Eight desktop Lenovo computers are available to do homework, utilize databases, look for books on Destiny or play online games like Chess. There is also one desktop Apple computer.


We have 30 iPads, 5 Acer Chromebooks and one MacBook Air

that are used to assist in teaching 21st century skills that help our students be successful in school.


It’s a typical busy morning at 8:40am and the cubbies are full.


Conducting research online.

16 Comments to

“Photo Gallery of Our Library”

  1. February 24th, 2010 at 8:15 pm       Kristi Says:

    Yeah, like the kids on the computers are working, NO they’re playing nerdy computer games. 😀

  2. March 2nd, 2010 at 12:40 am       brianna Says:

    hi im a student to be and every thing looks kool im so excited to be going to escobedo middle school! <3

  3. October 7th, 2011 at 2:55 pm       seanna Says:

    i love escobedo especially when mrs.baca is the best and nicest librarian evvvvveeeeerrrrrr

  4. October 7th, 2011 at 2:58 pm       Mrs. Baca Says:

    Thanks Seanna! Escobedo has the best students eveeeeeerrrrr!

  5. October 17th, 2011 at 8:50 am       rhea Says:

    is their any way you can check when your books are due

  6. October 17th, 2011 at 8:55 am       Mrs. Baca Says:

    You come see me in the library and I will let you know when your book is due. I can print a reciept for you too.

  7. January 25th, 2012 at 6:38 pm       Makayla Says:

    I haven’t visited the library for a long time but I love it!! Mrs.baca my question is next year I wanna try out for cheer and I going to practice a whole lot!! But can you tell what I need to know when I try!!?? 😉 thankies!!!<3

  8. January 26th, 2012 at 12:29 pm       Mrs. Baca Says:

    We will have a Cheer Clinic in May. You will learn everything you need to know for tryouts at that time. In the meantime, practice jumps (toe touch, herkie, etc) and gymnastics. Good luck!

  9. February 20th, 2012 at 8:07 pm       aelicia Says:

    hi mrs. baca i had a question for you. In the beging of the year my parents weren’t so sure about cheerleading, but know there all like yeah you should try it. But i knpw cheer already started will yuo ever have cheer tryouts again?( i am a seventh grader). thanks

  10. February 22nd, 2012 at 7:04 am       Mrs. Baca Says:

    Cheer tryouts are the week of May 6th. It is manditory that you attend EVERY day that week. More details to come soon.

  11. August 31st, 2012 at 1:41 pm       savanna Says:

    escobedo is kool.!

  12. September 27th, 2012 at 9:26 pm       Jade Says:

    I’m LOVING my 1st year here!

    Mrs. Baca:
    What kind of gymnastics things do we need to know how to do in cheerleading?? I was thinking about trying for next year! 🙂
    <3 Jade

  13. September 28th, 2012 at 10:20 am       Mrs. Baca Says:

    Jade- I am glad you are enjoying your 1st year at Esco. This is a great school! Cheer tryouts are in May. Gymnastics experience is not required but you earn bonus points at tryouts if you can tumble. In order to show your gymnastics skills at tryouts you must be able to do a tumbling pass that is anything beyond a round-off (i.e. back walkover, back handspring, back tuck, layout, multiple skills in a sequence). My best advice for you would be to keep your grades above a 2.5, your citizenship above a S or E and no more then 2 detentions all year, no RPC’s, suspensions or excessive absences. In order to qualify to tryout, you must meet there minimum requirements. We also ask for teacher recommendations. Hope to see you at tryouts!

  14. September 12th, 2013 at 12:52 pm       Roger D. :3 Says:

    I love this school so much so many new and exiting people book fairs tomorrow cant wait to get my hands on all of it sooooo yeah go boxers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!!!!!!!!!!1

  15. November 30th, 2015 at 1:27 pm       Diana Fleming Says:

    I love Escobedo and it is a really cool schoo. The food is bomb. Spicy chicken and cheese……. YES PLEASE

  16. May 20th, 2019 at 7:03 am       Kya Says:

    I’m so excited to come here and read and find new books for me! Escobedo here I come!

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