Escobedo Library Blog

Another Awesome Escobedo Middle School weblog

Circulation Stats are Rising


Our circulation statistics are rising each year. Which means we are checking out and reading more books then ever at Escobedo MS. See the details below:
8/1/07- 2/23/08 4,981 books checked out
8/1/08-2/23/09 13,576 books checked out
8/1/09-2/23/10 16,248 books checked out

Way to go Boxers! Keep reading those books!

by posted under Library Gossip | 14 Comments »    
14 Comments to

“Circulation Stats are Rising”

  1. February 23rd, 2010 at 9:14 pm       tyler b Says:

    beast up mrs.baca. totally owning the library checkout record. i think theyre checking out more books because mrs.baca is the best librarian ever and makes reading fun and encourages you to read more. she always has the coolest books in the library.

  2. February 23rd, 2010 at 9:14 pm       tyler b Says:

    beast up mrs.baca. totally owning the library checkout record. i think theyre checking out more books because mrs.baca is the best librarian ever and makes reading fun and encourages you to read more. she always has the coolest books in the library.

  3. February 23rd, 2010 at 9:17 pm       kaid u Says:

    mrs.baca is the best librarian teacher ive ever had she is total beast mode compared to the other teacher. mrs.baca has doubled the books checked out by the other teacher

  4. February 23rd, 2010 at 9:17 pm       kaid u Says:

    mrs.baca is the best librarian teacher ive ever had she is total beast mode compared to the other teacher. mrs.baca has doubled the books checked out by the other teacher

  5. February 23rd, 2010 at 10:14 pm       devin Says:

    thats cool how alot of people are reading.keep the reading going 🙂

  6. February 23rd, 2010 at 10:14 pm       devin Says:

    thats cool how alot of people are reading.keep the reading going 🙂

  7. February 24th, 2010 at 12:43 am       racheld8 Says:

    Woohoo! Yay! I love the library, so about 100 of those books ! checked out. hahaha!

  8. February 24th, 2010 at 12:43 am       racheld8 Says:

    Woohoo! Yay! I love the library, so about 100 of those books ! checked out. hahaha!

  9. March 3rd, 2010 at 12:41 am       Jacqueline M. Says:

    Cool! Wow, only 4,981 in the 07-08 year? I’m glad the number has gone up. I’m with Rachel, I’ve probably read a lot of those books too. :0)

  10. March 3rd, 2010 at 12:41 am       Jacqueline M. Says:

    Cool! Wow, only 4,981 in the 07-08 year? I’m glad the number has gone up. I’m with Rachel, I’ve probably read a lot of those books too. :0)

  11. March 10th, 2010 at 11:15 pm       racheld8 Says:

    Jacqueline M.- that was the year that the school opened. Not many kids came in, well, except for me. teeheehee. I bet Ms. Roelofs loved that! 🙂

  12. March 10th, 2010 at 11:15 pm       racheld8 Says:

    Jacqueline M.- that was the year that the school opened. Not many kids came in, well, except for me. teeheehee. I bet Ms. Roelofs loved that! 🙂

  13. March 12th, 2010 at 10:41 pm       Jacqueline M. Says:

    Rachel, I’ve read a lot of the books checked out this year, I mean. Wow, libraries deserve to be full. I’ve never imagined a library empty. I’m glad the stats have gone up, even if it was the 1st year!

  14. March 12th, 2010 at 10:41 pm       Jacqueline M. Says:

    Rachel, I’ve read a lot of the books checked out this year, I mean. Wow, libraries deserve to be full. I’ve never imagined a library empty. I’m glad the stats have gone up, even if it was the 1st year!

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February 2010

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